Thursday, January 12, 2012

recovering - Ari discovered the stairs!

My little man is ten months old today.  I know this isn't the best photo, but I just had to share.  Ari lunged at the camera when I tried to take it - we were nano-seconds away from having a drool covered camera.  I think this is a great shot to commemorate his 10th month here.

Today was the first official day of my nice 5-day weekend.  I'm happy to report I got to sleep in for an extra hour and a half (don't get too excited, I got up at 6) before diving into a rather hectic morning.  After spending a few hours working - when am I ever really off - John and I dove into finishing up the last minute preparations before our realtor, Joe, and his wife, Stacey, arrived to take photos.  Thankfully the weather cleared up enough before they arrived!  The photos won't be sunny, which is a bummer, but I'm sure they got some pretty decent shots.  Before they left Joe put a lock box on the door - our house is almost officially for sale!  I will certainly be posting links to the listing as soon as I get my grubby little hands on it.  Although it has been a hectic week trying to prep the house for photos, it is really nice to sit back in an ultra-clean and mostly de-cluttered house.

House listing aside, my life as I know it is completely over.  Ari has discovered the stairs.  More accurately, he's discovered how to climb the stairs.  I'm sitting here recovering from the excitement and ensuing panic that I feel regarding this discovery.

Hey, you mean you don't HAVE to carry me?

This is pretty cool mom.  

Safety First!  Thanks Dad!

Almost there.

At the top!

The first trip up the stairs was a success!  Now that he has been returned to the confines of his pack & play, I can finally exhale!

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