Thursday, January 19, 2012

excited - the house is up!

We're no longer getting ready to list the house, the house is officially for sale!  As of last Friday our wonderful a little "Alimmatiris Estate" went up on the market.  Within a few hours of the listing two separate realtors contacted Joe about seeing our place.  Within hours!  So we had two showings on Saturday, one on Sunday and another one yesterday.   4 showings in 5 days in a crap economy, with our house being priced higher than the one down the block...  I'm cautiously optimistic, which in Andrea speak means "slightly less pessimistic than usual". But hey, so far so good.  I honestly was really worried the house was going to go up and we wouldn't get any hits at all, so I'm definitely pleasantly surprised.  If you're interested, take a peek at the listing.  Better yet, take a peek at the listing and then tell all of your friends who are looking to buy that they should buy the house because honestly, it is pretty great & the people who live there are freakishly awesome (so I hear) and the awesomeness is now apart of the house.  Seriously though, if you're looking for something in the Philadelphia area, give Big Joe a yell.  He came highly recommended by a woman I both trust and admire, and so far John & I love working with Joe & Stacey.  Now if I'm still sitting on this same couch in this very same living room in June 2013, I might have a slightly different opinion (Joe if you're reading this I'm only slightly kidding).

In other real estate related news, John & I are doing exactly what we shouldn't be doing and are obsessively searching through listings on for houses in NJ.  Though we won't be actively looking until we get an offer on the house, we are actively researching (researching = finding nice houses on then spending lots of hours in the car driving around South Jersey looking at the neighborhoods).  We're not sure exactly where we'll end up!  So far I'm leaning towards Swedesboro/Logan, Woodstown/Pilesgrove, & Mullica Hill to start.  Its rather ironic that 12 years ago all I could think of was getting the hell out of South Jersey.  Now I can't wait to get back.  Until Ari, I never realized how important it would be for me to be close to my family.  We spend almost every weekend driving back & forth to Alloway (about an hour and forty minute drive each way) so Ari can hang out with his aunts, YiaYia & Pops.

It wouldn't be a post without a picture of Ari, so here's the obligatory baby photo of the evening.  I was sitting on the floor messing around with my camera and he kept reaching over and trying to tap me on the head.  Actually what I interpreted as "I want to tap mom on the head" was probably more like "I want to rip mom's hair out by the roots", but whatever.  Anyway, he looked adorable peeking over the side of his pack & play, so I took a quick shot.  Don't you just want to eat his little face!

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