Saturday, January 7, 2012

getting ready to list the house!

Some super exciting news this week - J & I decided to just bite the bullet and list the house.  On Wednesday met with a really awesome realtor, Big Joe McCarthy.  Joe was highly recommended to us by my boss and I can see why!  His personality fits right in with J & I, he was able to keep up with our witty banter.  J & I liked him immediately.  Joe and his wife are coming out next Thursday to take pictures and our happy little house will be on the market next Friday.  As excited as I am about listing the house, I'm also a little bummed.  We are going to take a rather large hit on the resale - we're listing for less than we bought our house for in 2007!  So right off the bat we're losing money.  On the flip side, this is the time to buy a house so the money we're willing to spend will go a lot further than it would if the housing market was still booming.  What I'm truly bummed about is that we'll be saying good-bye to our first house together.  As much as I complain about this place, I really do love it.  It is our first home - we got engaged here, our first child was born here (well at the hospital, but you know what I mean).  This is where our life together really started, so it will be a little sad to say goodbye to it, but saying goodbye here means we get to say hello to our forever home. 

In other unrelated news, I found a few pictures on my memory card that I forgot to load to Flickr.  I love this picture of A3 in his little emo baby outfit!

I can't believe how much bigger my baby has gotten since this picture was taken on 10.29!  It is absolutely amazing to me how much he changes.  Just this week he went from being able to stand without holding on for only a few seconds at the begining of the week.  Today when I got home from work, he just stood in the middle of the pack & play 'chatting' away!   I feel like I miss a lot when I'm at work - I'm super jealous that J gets to spend so much time with him, though I will never envy J for having to work & take care of a baby all day.

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