Tuesday, January 3, 2012

making her 2012 resolutions

Before I get into 2012 resolutions, lets do a quick recapp of how this whole thing started. I initially created this blog in January of 2011 after my dear buddy Pinds started her blog last year, which she created to keep track of her projects. I decided to steal that idea and keep track of the adventures of my pregnancy and experiences as a new mom (among other things). One thing you will quickly realize about the difference between Pinds and I is that she is insanely creative. And crafty. And grammatically correct. And far more organized than any other human being I know. Although I stole Linds' idea last year, I did not steal her organization and follow through (nor her ability to properly use the English language). So here's to hoping that in 2012 my follow-through and procrastination will look a little more like Pinds and a little less like me (I can never hope to be as crafty or creative, so I'm not even going to try).

Now on to those resolutions.

  • Blog: Let's actually get this done this year Andrea! I am committing to posting at least once a week. I think I can do that!
  • Take pictures, lots and lots of pictures:  I took a ton of pictures of A3 in the beginning.  The first 3 months of his life are very well documented.  However, once I went back to work the photos started to become less and less frequent.  The majority of the photo's I've taken since June are on my iPhone and aren't that great.  I need to actually use my awesome new CoolPix L120 and I hope to spend sometime with my trusty D80 but if I can just get in the habit using the point & shoot vs. my iPhone at least once a week I'll be a happy gal.
  • Obligatory 'lose weight' resolution, with a twist:  So I had a baby in 2011 (FYI).  I gained a TON of weight (50 pounds) with the kiddo, not to mention I gained about 20 pounds right before I got knocked up.  With that said, I'm not going to set myself up for failure by setting some unrealistic goal.  My resolution is to simply be healthy.  I'm going to start using MyFitnessPal again, which helped a buddy of mine lose a bunch of weight last year (it really is a good app, if you're interested).  I would like to get to the gym ideally five times a week, realistically I'll be happy if I go at least once.  I would like to eat better, cut out the fast food and super snacking and if I'm lucky, I might even be able to get Mr. A to conform to using normal portion sizes when he crafts his culinary masterpieces for dinner. 
  • Knitting / Crocheting:  I am committing to finally finishing at least ONE project this year.  I know that isn't a big number, but I've been working on the same baby blanket since I found out I was pregnant (July 2010 in case you were wondering).  Best part?  The blanket is ugly.  So it is time to scrap it and start over.  I think a class at Y-Knot Knit might be in my future. 
  • Get Organized:  Pretty straightforward, but I need to get my life organized again (both at the office and at home).  

I know 5 resolutions might not seem like a lot, but I case you haven't noticed I have a hard time with actually following through (hence this is really the first post in almost a year).   Wish me luck kids!  Here's to a blogging, photograph taking, knit project making, healthier, organized me in 2012!   Cheers!

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