Thursday, February 9, 2012

sick - the first CY12 office cold

My office has notoriously horrible ventilation. By "my office" I mean the suite I work in - I dont want you to think I'm all fancy and have a door an whatnot, I'm a cube monkey. All 30 of us breathe the same recycled air. Think airplane cabin air minus the filtration. Whenever one person gets sick it makes it's way around the office. I pulled the short straw this week, lucky me.

I was saying to John that I would much rather have the flu for two days then deal with a cold. At least with the flu you know it's going to end and no one expects anything from you because, well you have the flu. A cold on the other hand can last two days or three weeks. There's never an end in sight. All of your symptoms are crappy but not bad enough to really take time off. And no matter how bad your head hurts or how wonderful it feels to feel like you're swallowing razor blades, no one gives a shit. Case in point, today at the office a co-worker commented on my pathetic sounding voice and even more pathetic appearance and asked sweetly "are you coming down with the flu", to which I replied "no, I think it's a cold". Her tone completely changed and she said "oh. It's JUST a cold" and rolled her eyes and walked away! No love for us cold sufferers out there.

Anyway, cold or no cold, I'm still crocheting away. Right now I'm enjoying a cup of tea, watching my new favorite show Infested (more on that later) and crocheting. I'm almost finished with the blanket! This isn't the best picture, it's from my iPhone (actually this whole post was written on my Blogger app, thanks technology), but here's a shot of my work in progress. Should be done soon!

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