Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Catching up...

Remember how I said almost a year ago that I would be using this blog to keep everyone up to date on everything Alimmatiri?  Right.  Well, I'm a little behind.  My goal over the next two weeks is to get this caught up.  Not that anything THAT big has happened over the last 8 month...

More to come.

A lot more to come.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I was prepared for a lot of changes and discomforts when I found out I was pregnant—no one holds back their horror stories and words of advice once you announce that you are pregnant. I wholeheartedly embraced the fact that my body was going to change—hell this would be the first time in my life where it is not only ok, but expected for me to have a belly. I understood I was going to gain weight, have my feet and ankles swell, etc. However, no one could have prepared me for how absolutely exhausted I was going to feel! As I write this, I’m exactly 37 weeks and I can no longer make it through an entire day without taking a nap. The upside? Since I’m 37 weeks pregnant, no one even questions the fact that I have to sleep for a few hours each afternoon.

I’m enjoying my new found napping freedom and my puppies are enjoying having me home to cuddle with. Corny & Chica are two of the laziest dogs known to man - a quality both John and I love about our pups. They are seriously low maintenance! Although I love both of my puppies just the same, Corny has always been my shadow – or at least while napping. This is what usually greets me when I wake up from my Saturday afternoon nap (which now that I’m ready to give birth at any minute, the naps are no longer limited to the weekends).

I love it when his ears flip over like this:

Not a particularly great shot but I wanted to share. Normally Corny is my nap buddy, but on this day Chica decided to join me. I literally took this a few seconds after waking up—nothing says “Good Morning Andrea” like her little gremlin face!